Agroecology Nutrition Gardening for Improved Sustainable Livelihoods


Fambidzanai Permaculture Training Centre, Zimbabwe, in partnership with Gosha Organic Farmers Group is raising funds for their gardening for improved sustainable livelihoods project. 

The project, based in the Goromonzi District, Harare, Zimbabwe, is raising $1000 in order to assist the Gosha Organic Farmers Group with free agro-ecology extension services.

The project has already assisted the group in setting up a community nutrition garden using locally available and cheap materials.

However, the project now has the potential to grow bigger, if it can secure access to training, garden tools, and other start-up inputs such as seeds.

Increased funding would ultimately allow the group to challenge poverty and malnutrition in the community, whilst also boosting the market experience of those individuals involved in the training.

They would do so by facilitating the sale of the group's first surplus produce, in turn allowing the participants to become more self-sufficient and establish a broader market.

This campaign development has been supported by the Institute for Sustainable Food's Make it Grow project. Samson Chipikiri, Plaxedas Kaseke, Gamuchirai Dambaza, and Justice Ncube co-created this campaign video proposal after taking part in a participatory video workshop series run virtually by Dr. Pamela Richardson-Ngwenya at the Institute for Sustainable Food

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